Thursday, December 17, 2009

Baby its cold outside...

It is freezing. My girl cannot stand to be cold, but has an equal disdain for covers and coats. So big sweaters and hats are mandatory. She is going to be a handful, and quite honestly, I cannot wait!
Nothing would warm me up more than being a winner! The t.ruffle girls are throwing themselves a little "goin' away for the holiday break" giveaway, if you're feelin' lucky visit Karey for the details. I hope I get picked, I would love to get this little pretty
and give this one to someone, who sometimes forgets.

So if you want a chance at some beeeeautiful eye candy with words that make your mind swirl and your heart dance, head over for a chance to win!
If you are on the east coast like me, stay warm, a cold couple of days are in store!
Pictures via the T.ruffle shoppe

Thursday, December 10, 2009

My girl and her many faces.

My girl is SO expressive, I fear the many faces of my Avery Grace will lend a hand to an early age of eye rolling and looks to her daddy that will lead to getting whatever. she. wants.

Sometimes I feel that my heart is literally braking...yes...braking, stopping the flow so I can absorb the moments to remember. She is my favorite smell, my favorite color, my favorite place to be. Matt always says, "she is going to break my heart", and having already been a teenage girl, I know this is true, sass is a gift from her mother and she will indeed leave him there in a crumpled heap should her way not be gotten.

The holidays are upon us and if Avery Grace could get her hands on those ornaments and sparkly lights it would be all over. I love getting in the mood for Christmas and the excitement of a growing babe only makes the holidays that much more fun from here on out!
